A Turns One! | Lancaster Baby Photographer

My bestie’s little lady turned one recently. This was a special time for us all as we reminisced over her last year. “A” had surprised us all last year when she was born 6 weeks early! What a miracle it was that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her either. The only reason she had to stay in the NICU was due to the fact that premies have to be in there until they were at least at the 36 week mark.  She is certainly a little miracle and it has been neat to watch her grow and develop over the last year. She has such a gentle and calm-spirited demeanor about her and I just love her little smiles. She wasn’t too interested in her 1 year photo session or the birthday cake, but thankfully we managed to get a few smiles out of her when we pretended to sneeze ;) Hopefully soon she will have a little friend to play with once we bring our baby home from Uganda :) It’s already been determined that they will be BFFs! Can’t wait for play dates and little toddler giggles. So much to look forward to.Wishing you a very happy (and now belated) birthday A!! You are loved…

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